Friday, October 08, 2004

May we have the rings please...It's here!

Sorry it's been a while but I'm back!!

Back on July 26th, I posted on my blog that my oldest son, Tyler was asked to be a ring-bearer in a wedding in October. Well, the day is nigh upon us (whatever that phrase means!).

Tonight is the rehearsal and dinner and tomorrow at 4:00 the main event occurs. We found out that the couple had no plans on video-taping their wedding so we offered to at least capture it on our camcorder, they agreed because we all knew that Tyler's passage down the aisle has the potential of landing us $10,000 on one of those funniest video shows !!

I'll give more details next week. Debates? What debate??? HA

God bless you all,



At 1:47 PM , Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

the infrequency of your postings is getting on my last nerve. WRITE, man, WRITE!!!! :) love you!


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