Sunday, October 15, 2006

From Colby Joe to Colby Goal !!

Ok, I've talked about little Colby Joe's soccer team but here are some great pictures from both yesterday's game and the one the week before. His team is called The Incredibles. And he's #5.

Yesterday was a fun day for Colby... and for Mom & Dad. Our little Colby scored his first goal!! (What? Is that a tear I'm feeling!!) It was so great. The photo you see here is the beginning on his run to the goal. In fact, I came very close to missing it all together because I was reviewing the shot from the digitial camera (and proud that it actually looked like a good photo while he was running in action). But I looked up just in time to see Colby take the ball from this kick, march right down the field and kick it into the goal. It was so fun to watch his reaction. Of course, I think he was on cloud nine the rest of the day. He kept looking over to the sideline to remind us that he had, indeed, scored a goal. Very cute and very proud moment for Kendra and myself I must say.

Here's a team photo minus one or 2 players. The players are as follows (L-R): Caden, Joshua, Jacob, Zoe, Colby, Brett, and Cole. Missing are Talia and Romie. Coaches shown are Steve Coan and his son Christopher who helps out. They will have their official team picture later this month but Colby and I will be out of town so he'll miss it. So now we have this one for the scrapbook.

Here are some other photos of Colby in action in his game last week.

We sure love this little guy's enthusiasm for the game. He's not the best player on the team (Brett's a machine!!) but I think he's the best player on the team if you know what I mean!! (Ok, that's feeling more and more like a tear coming down my cheek!! Someone stop me before this gets too emotional!!) Thanks for letting me share.

God bless you all,


At 9:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously think I could cry!!! The first game I miss my little man scores!! AAAHHHHH. I am so happy for him, but crushed I missed it. I just had a feeling he was going to do it this week. I am so proud of that little guy. I am looking forward to the next game.
Aunt Moni

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Kendra said...

You emotional little Sorrells girl, you!! he! Where did you get that gene from??

At 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness
I am so proud of colby Joe
He looks so cute
I cant wit to see you al love you and miss you

At 6:20 PM , Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

I'm proud to be Colby's uncle!! Hooray for Colby!!!!
-Uncle Randy

At 10:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YO Smooth Johnny, it is time for an update. I know you have been having all kinds of fun and I would like to see it. Glad you are home. We missed you. I also missed little Colby. I may have to come see him tomorrow after work.


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