Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Job Update

Here's an update on the job status. (Click here if you need the earlier post). We found out recently that there will be ONE Dallas job and possibly TWO in the current group that I support. That's not great news because with one job, I have a colleague who is higher rated performance-wise than I am. If there are 2 jobs, we don't expect them to name 2 legacy Sprint employees but instead of probably have one legacy Sprint and one legacy Nextel employee. Now, all that said, the Lord can do whatever HE wants!! HA Actually, I'm still very much at peace with this situation. It's a little awkward to have everyone around here asking about their jobs (and even some finding out that they aren't getting selected), but it's been a great time to start talking about how the Lord is giving me great peace! The Lord has opened that door for sure.

We also heard today that if we are notified that we have not been selected for one of the few jobs out there, our last day would be 10/31/05. For me, that would mean my severance would start November 1st. We will see if that applies to everyone but that's what I'm planning on.

So, continue to pray for peace, for a clear obvious answer and for all of us here who are wondering where we will be in the next few weeks. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

God bless you all,


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