Sunday, March 19, 2006

Knock on Wood - Mr. Compliant is great !

Ok, knock on wood but Brady McClure Vaughn is doing great!! He is, as I call it, Mr. Compliant!! HA Of course, that's just funny to say because we have had such a routine around here for a while and we just wanted Brady to comply so we didn't have to change much! HA For those wondering, he's sleeping good (only getting up one time during the night for the most part) and he's so cute! He rarely cries except when he's hungry and then he lets you know it. We are so blessed to have him with us. The older boys, Tyler & Colby are so sweet with him. Only have to occasionally shield Brady from a Buzz Lightyear, Power Ranger or some other kind of Superhero flying through our living room. Kendra has Brady's 2 week checkup this coming Friday (24th) so we'll be excited to hopefully get a good report. Kendra is doing great also. She looks great for someone who just had a baby less than 2 weeks ago. I am truly a blessed man to have this great family!!!

Here are a few pictures taken tonight as we were getting the kids ready for bed. Enjoy!

Sweet Baby Brady Mac!

Tyler & Brady !

Colby & Brady

God bless you all,


At 1:08 PM , Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

WOW what cute kids!! I love looking at this wonderful young men and calling them my nephews! I just wish I could get there sooner to hold them all. Tyler and Colby look too cute with their brother!

Congrats on the good night's sleep y'all seem to be getting!! Good Job!!! Praise the Lord!!

-Uncle Ned

At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey these are some cute boys
I can't wait to see you all
love ya


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