Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Oh no, not again !

Saw this today on the web.:

Touchscreen Vote Records Lost in Florida

By HILARY ROXE, Associated Press Writer
MIAMI - A computer crash erased detailed records from Miami-Dade County's first widespread use of touchscreen voting machines, raising again the specter of elections troubles in Florida, where the new technology was supposed to put an end to such problems.
Facts about Charles Babbage inventor of the first mechanical computing machine in the 1820s.    Charles Babbage (1792-1871), British mathematician and inventor, who designed and built mechanical computing machines on principles that anticipated the modern electronic computer.  Babbage was born in Teignmouth, Devonshire, and was educated at the University of Cambridge. He became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1816 and was active in the founding of the Analytical, the Royal Astronomical, and the Statistical societies.   In the 1820s Babbage began developing his Difference Engine, a mechanical device that can perform simple mathematical calculations.  
I have no problems with my online banking.   I've been using Direct Deposit for 11 years at my Company - again no problems.  I select all my company benefits online and have been for over 8 years now.  It's almost been 200 years - why can't we figure out how to get a vote properly recorded without chads and undervotes, etc. ???   This is not a political statement - just wondering why someone can't fix this - aren't we beyond antiquated paper punch cards?  :)

I can't take another drawn out election in November !!


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