For those who have longed for my blog entries (enter laughter here!), I apologized for being away. For some reason, nothing has hit me that is blog-worthy so I didn't want to blog just to blog.
Did anyone know that Max Lucado did either the opening or closing prayer at the GOP's convention ( that's the Republicans for those policital rookies)? That didn't make MSNBC or CNN. Maybe C-SPAN showed - they show everything. Anyway, thought his prayer was great and puts this all in perspective regardless of how you plan to vote this year. But keep in mind that you can't be a Christian and be a Democrat so you make up your mind!! HA (I jokingly say that because I have friends that truly believe that!!!)
Max Lucado Prayer at GOP Convention - August 30th, 2004:
Oh Lord, God of our Fathers, You direct the affairs of all nations. You made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth. We echo the declarations of Job: "God makes great nations, and destroys them; He enlarges nations, and guides them." Please guide us. You are the supreme strength of the universe.
We trace every decision and blessing back to your hand. Thank you for this nation. Have mercy upon her. Please unite our citizens. Nurture the poor, abuse, and abandoned. Protect our children; keep our homeland free from harm.
Remind us, oh Lord, that you do not exist to bless America. We exist to bless you. (emphasis Donny's)
Remind us of your unquenchable, unconditional love. Affirm us when we seek your will, forgive and correct us when we don't. Speak to us about the brevity of this life and the beauty of the next. And, most of all, prepare our souls for the moment we meet You face to face.
We lay this election before you. And, in the end, your will be done.
By the source of mercy we pray. To you be the glory forever and ever. Amen
God bless you all,
p.s. Vote for Bush on Nov. 2nd (didn't want anyone to guess where my vote was going!!) :)