Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Brady Boo !!

Just a short note to say "Happy Birthday Brady Boo!!" Can't believe my little man is a year old now. Just seems like yester... oh, you've heard that before have ya???

We have had such a good time with little Brady. He's so cute, fun, destructive and loud - we just love him !! HA There are days when I often ponder why God gave us wisdom to put volume knobs on radios, TVs, cell phones, iPods, etc but never put one on a child. Oh well ...

Here are a few of my favorite Brady pictures of late.

We will be posting a birthday recap probably on Sunday. We are having a family party for Brady tomorrow night and then Tyler's football party on Saturday. So alot more pictures to come so come back and see me now ya hear??

God bless you all,

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weed Love to invite you to dinner!!

Tyler had some fun yesterday. After helping Kendra pull weeds in the flower beds, he got into talking about making "Weed Soup".

That led into the making of Weed Lasagna and finally Weed Rice. Tyler gathered a bowl, some weeds and several different spices and seasonings from our cabinets. He had salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and chili powder to name a few. He was really having a good time. Thought you'd all enjoy some pictures as well:

God bless you all,