Checkbook balancing - a thing of the past?
I was curious about something... last night I was rummaging through my bank statement which I always do just to see if there are any announcements that I should be aware of or surprises that I look different from my daily online viewing. I'm definitely pro-online banking and can't imagine it any other way. I never worry too much about fraud because I check my account everyday so I would know if something is suspicious. Anyway, here's my thought. On the back of the first page, it gives instructions on how someone could balance their checking account by using the enclosed bank statement. WOW !! I didn't know people still did that. By the time I get my statement, it's old news. In fact, I do 95% of all my bill paying online. The only checks I ever write are to friends or family to pay for something since they don't take Visa or my weekly tithe. I wish my church had an automatic draft. During the communion session when plate passing occurs, I could just let it go by. Or if I felt the "not giving guilt" that I would feel from others looking at me, I could put in a fake envelope with nothing in it !
Does anyone balance their checkbook by using their bank statements? It made think of one day trying to teach my sons on how to write a check even though they may never have to write one out by then. I'll have to teach them online banking instead. What other things are going by the wayside that I learned when I was little that my kids won't have to learn....
1. How to turn a TV channel manually (blessed remote)
2. How to set a VCR to record (thanks TIVO!)
3. How to change the oil in your car (my Dad taught me but I take mine to Kwik-Kar)
4. How to keep a journal by your bedside (thanks blog-mania)
5. How to write a hand-written note to family and friends (thanks email)
6. How to apply for scholarships (thanks to Colby's left arm and his mean fast ball at 18 mos. old)
Just some thoughts...
God bless you all,